Saturday, June 21, 2008

Already missing Frankfurt

I haven't even left the city yet and somehow I already miss it. I can't believe that I'm only a few weeks away from leaving Germany and heading back to the States for grad school. I know that it's the right decision, but somehow I just can't get excited about giving up my life here and going back to school.

There's something about leaving a city just when you start getting to know it and you start building a life there that actually feels like it could be yours. Frankfurt finally began to feel like a home to me after a little less than a year and a half. Good friends, an incredible boyfriend, and a world of experiences that have changed how I view the world. I finally know where to find the best produce in the farmers markets, the waiters at my favorite Italian spot know me by name and pour me a glass of good wine as soon as I walk in the door to order carry-out after a long day at work, I have found my favorite cafe to sit and read in. And my little apartment feels like home.

It's a hard moment to pick up again and know that I have to start all over again back in a city that was home for so many years. Somehow it feels like going backwards even though I know that I'm starting an entirely new phase of my life.

I am forever grateful to have had this experience and I know that somehow, Frankfurt will always feel a little like home to me, even though I only had the chance to be here for the briefest amount of time.

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