Wednesday, April 18, 2007

First Day at the Office


It was officially my first day of work. I met my team, started getting settled in and of course continued battling jet lag.

It was a great first day though. Fairly low-key, but still packed full of meetings and meeting people. And I also found out that not only will I be running the World Wide Duty Free business for Philip Morris, but I also get the chance help out with regional coordination in the EEMA (Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Africa) region. Very interesting stuff for me given how much is happening in that part of the world.

Anyway, all very exciting on the business front.

And then on the personnel front, I've gone from often being the only woman in meetings to being surrounded by fantastic women. Or so they seem as of right now. Three really great women. It's a fun change as far as I can tell.

But can I even begin to explain how strange it is to suddenly be the boss of a team of six people. Strange. I got some good advice from a colleague of mine here because I expressed a little apprehension about suddenly being in this position. After telling me they wouldn't have brought me in if I couldn't do it, she said, and I believe her exact words were, "Fake it until you make it."

So here it goes . . . .