Wednesday, April 18, 2007

First Impressions

March 28, 2007

Once I finally made it out of bed, I spent the day wandering the city and trying to find a few things to put into my new apartment and also replace some of the electric items I couldn't bring with me to Germany.

With the guidance of my fantastic colleague, Birgit, I found my way to a shopping area in Frankfurt called the Zeil. It's this multi-block pedestrian shopping area right down in the heart of the city. These are some of the sites I saw on my way to the Zeil.

The Zeil is lined with shops, some of which we all know (Starbuck's anyone?) A few recent European transplants (Zara and H&M), and some local favorites. Places like Kaufhof, one of the major department stores in Frankfurt. What's interesting is that Kaufhof, much like Marshall Field's in Chicago (sorry, I mean Macy's, old habits die hard), has a food/dining area within the store itself. What's different is that on the very bottom floor they actually have a full grocery store, complete with meat counter, fish counter, sushi bar, liquor section (Prosecco is quite reasonably priced here), and pretty much any dried goods, dairy products or fruit you could possibly want.

Of course beyond all of the modern stuff there are some really beautiful older buildings that weren't comletely flattened in WWII (or were rebuilt to look like they weren't completely flattened in WWII).

Just a few of the things I saw on my walk this afternoon.

The Alte Opera Haus

The Frankfurt Stock Exchange (complete with Bull and Bear)

A really beautiful church just off the Zeil.

Just a random, but pretty building on my walk.

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