Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Tribute to Ilham . . . who lost part of herself this weekend.

This posting is dedicated to Ilham who literally lost a part of herself this past weekend when she had her appendix taken on. On her birthday no less! And at the sacrafice of her holiday in St Tropez with Pascual. Poor thing! So here is a big round of good wishes for a swift recovery!

Happily she is recovering well and should be going home from the hospital early this week. That's what we're all hoping anyhow, a swift and full recovery so we can go play in France together in a few weeks.

Honestly, this may have been one of the most low-key weekends I've spent in Lausanne yet. Saturday Andrea and I just kind of took it easy (in between hospital visits that is) and wandered around Lausanne. We found this fantastic little boutique that just opened run by a kind crazy, way out there, gay Frenchman who is opening a restaurant upstairs. He dressed me in the most outrageous clothes, fabulous, but I truly think I'll need another year in Europe at least before I would ever be comfortable in anything so fashion forward. I walked out the dressing room at one point in baggy, low-slung shorts that hit below my knee, a sheer beige tank layered with another longer black top, then the guy slung some belt around my waist that looked like a sliver version of Wonder Woman's belt, some arm cuffs and a funky pair of sandals later and Andrea took one look at me with her mouth open and said "You look like you just walked off the pages of Vogue." Yup, a little too much for this ungirly girl. But fun to play dress-up for a little while.

After that we chilled with Mehdi and his friend Rami for drinks, went out to a Latin club and ended up just lounging at Andrea's hotel room in the Lausanne Palace for the rest of the night.

Sunday we had a visit with Ilham to wish her a happy birthday and then went down to the lake, and walked through some massive clouds of bugs before settling ourselves down at the Beau Rivage for lunch and afternoon sun.

Low-key and relaxing, definitely a change from most of our weekends together, but absolutely fantastic nonetheless. Hard to believe that Andrea will be gone in just three more weeks.

Oh! Last thought and image from this trip. On the way home I saw the most fantastic sunset over the clouds. Absolutely beautiful.

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