Monday, November 19, 2007

Lost in America: Friends on the Fly

I've just arrived back in Frankfurt, what a whirlwind of a trip this has been. It's hard to believe that just 12 hours ago I was sitting in Chicago having lunch with friends. But I'm so glad that I go the chance to see at least a few people.

It was only three brief hours, but somehow I managed to cram in three people that I love. Apologies to all the people that I didn't see or didn't have a chance to call. This weekend really was a blur and it seemed like time flew by even faster than I thought it possibly could. Who knew 72 hours were so short!

On the other hand, somehow it made my coffee with Anne and lunch with Claire and Emily seem like the most normal thing in the world. Almost as if I was still living in Chicago and this was just a normal weekend. Strange how the brief nature of our visit somehow made it easier to get back on the plane to Frankfurt in the afternoon.

But to my girls, it was wonderful to see you. I miss all of you a bunch and I can't wait to see you again, hopefully sooner than 9 months!

And now back to the grind of the office and my battle with jet lag.

Happy early Thanksgiving!

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