Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Here's to smoking!

After an insanely long day/night of flying and almost a full day of work, I finally hauled my suitcases (which appear to have filled themselves with weights during the trip back) up the stairs and into my apartment. How wonderful to be home.

A little while later, battling the overwhelmingly soporific effect of my travels, Nick and I caught up over a light dinner from the Italian place downstairs, Trattoria Promis. A surprisingly good and reasonably priced place, I had a really delicious wild boar and chestnut ravioli in tomato sauce for dinner. Plus, whenever I stop by for take out after a long night at the office they ply me with prosecco or red wine while I wait for my food. Can't beat that!

Anyhow, over pasta our conversation rambled through wedding stories and pregnancy tales (sorry for the scare, Nick!) from me and snowy tales of Vienna and rowdy birthday parties from him until all of a sudden we could barely hear ourselves over a raucous chanting song that poured in from the alleyway.

Of all the things to see winding through the streets of Frankfurt at 8pm on a Monday night, the last thing I expected to see was a pro-smoking protest. They had signs and banners and even their own song! Given that my state in Germany, Hessen, recently passed a smoking ban in public places (this includes bars and restaurants), I'm curious to see how public opinion reacts as the weather gets colder. It's a new thing for this country and seeing as how Germany has one of the higher smoking rates in Europe I can't imagine people are too happy about it. Well, come to think of it, a protest on Monday night is a pretty clear sign that they're not thrilled. Then again, I think the Germans will protest just about anything right now, what with the rail strikes and such going on. Forgive the blurry nature of the photos, it was hard to get a quick shot off while they walked by in the dark.

Anyway, it was a lovely welcome home after my oh so brief sojourn in the States.

On the restaurant note, if you're interested in good Italian food in Frankfurt, I do recommend my little neighborhood joint.

Trattoria Promis
Gartenstraße 17
60594 Frankfurt am Main

Excellent Italian food for a pretty decent price.

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