Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lost in Vienna: Melange afternoons

It is my third weekend in Vienna in three months now. This is a pattern I could get used to. . .

Sadly this weekend has been a grey and rainy one but that didn't keep the city from looking beautiful decked out in the finest of white light chandaliers that were strung down the entire stretch of the main pedestrian area in the heart of the city. It also didn't seem to impact our ability to drink rather copious quantities of punsch at one of the Christkindelmarkts last night. For those who might not be familiar punsch is the Viennese version of German spiced wine, but instead of wine they spike spiced orange tea with rum. Very tasty I have to say.

Anyhow, it's our last night here and no trip to Vienna with Nick would be complete without many hours spent in Nick's favorite Kaffeehaus, Hawelka. Unfortunately last night, Nick's phone got stolen right here where we are currently sitting. Nick said it felt like someone had walked into his living room and stolen something from his home. But here we are back at the scene of the crime, enjoying, admittedly, less than spectacular coffee, but thoroughly soaking up the inimitable atmosphere of this place for the second time this weekend with my former tour guide, Florian. And while they speak rapid fire German and Nick shakes off his sense of violation, I am busy with my German homework.

We're off for dinner with Max in a little bit to enjoy the two rabbits he shot hunting this weekend as well as some famous chocolate cake he promised to bake us now that I've brought him his US measuring cups/spoons. I admit I'm curious to see what kind of cake this is . . . then tomorrow an early flight home. Fortunately Nick has finally stopped wearing his light up Christmas cap, for a while there he was twinkling like a little elf.

Sometimes I just can't quite believe this is really my life. . .

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