Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Surf School Stories: Christmas eve dinner

So here it is, I’ve made friends. After arriving knowing no one at all, in three days as the full mooon lights up the sky I’ve somehow found myself making dinner with George and two of the girls in the surf course for Christmas Eve Dinner. I guess I really am an extraverted personality type. I have been totally reenergized by all of the people I’ve been meeting and once again I’m am stunned by how many fantastic people I keep encountering in all of my travels.

As I said, Christmas Eve dinner at my house with George and two Irish girls I met the last few days, Claire and Anne (pronounced like Anna with an ‘a’). Very cool, very last minute and somehow, between George and I, we managed to throw together a makeshift Spanish tortilla with pan fried potatoes and more than a few bottles of wine. Not so bad for catch as catch can.

After downing the food and beverage plus a few photo ops of us doing our best surf poses we were off for the only bar that was open in town, the Surf Bar. And while there I managed to spend most of the rest of the evening staring mesmerized at a series of surf DVDs including one featuring some of the big waves around Lanzarote Island. I think I might have to rent a car to go check some of them out before I leave.

Finally around 4am on Christmas Morning, we all stumbled (and I do mean stumbled) home. Not a bad way to kick off the holidays.

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