Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Mediterranean Tour 2007: The Israelis

So I have to say, on a separate note from the work stuff and the sight seeing and all that, probably the best part about this particular business trip was the people I met. All of the clients that work on the business in Israel, all of the agency folks from Tel Aviv. . . . what incredible people to meet. They welcomed me and shared their experiences with me. They let me ask all sorts of crazy questions. I learned more about Israel from them than at any other time during my stay.

The strangest thing for me about being in Israel was that I've never actually gone to a country before where they just automatically assumed that I was from there. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, who I encountered, just assumed that I was Israeli. The cab drivers, the hotel concierge, people on the streets, people in stores. It was amazing. I was just accepted as one of them. An odd moment to be sure. Coming from a country like America where everyone is both different and yet the same it was a bit strange to immediately feel a sense of belonging.

But the end of it all is that I actually feel like I left Tel Aviv with some friends to go back and visit. It doesn't really matter that they are technically "clients" because they're just fantastic people. I think this might be one of the best parts of my job, all the travel and living abroad stuff aside, it's the people I'm getting the chance to meet that make the biggest impact on me.

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