Monday, June 4, 2007

Andrea Does Frankfurt

So last weekend my fantastic friend, Andrea, jetsetter that she is, flew in from Cairo for a weekend in Frankfurt before heading back to Lausanne for work.

It poured rain the entire weekend, but still we had a fantastic time. Hours of conversation over wonderful bottles of wine sitting on the balcony while the rain came down as the night turned into early morning the next day.

We even made it out to the Rheingau on Saturday to do some wine tasting with my friends John and Nicole. It was so beautiful, the sun actually came out for a while and we walked through the vineyards on our way to taste some wines. We went to this amazing overlook that had a breathtaking view of the Rhein River. I think it was a former manor or something. It was beautiful and all in yellow with a terrace for people to sit down and look out over the view.

After that we stopped in Kiedrich for dinner and they had the most beautiful rose garden along the river. This is probably one of my favorite places in the Rheingau that I've been to so far, although I still prefer the wines that Doug and I bought at the Kloster Eberbach to anything else I've tasted so far.

We spent Sunday tooling around Frankfurt, the first time I'd really had a chance to actually check out my neighborhood. Of course it was raining so we didn't walk around for too long, but we did manage to find a cute little restaurant to eat lunch in called Lokal Bahnhof. So yummy, I once again found my favorite German comfort food, kase spaetzle. Mmm German macaroni and cheese.

It was a great weekend. I can't wait to travel with Andrea again but we'll have to do it soon, we don't have too much time left before she moves back to the States in July.

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