Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lost in Austria: Après Ski in Lech

OK, it's been two days. I've been in ski lessons all day and today, after I finally got to a point where I felt like I was getting the hang of the whole ski thing again.

Until I met up with Nick and Konrad that is. So Konrad is a friend of Nick's who has practically grown up in Lech skiing every winter, all winter long. In fact he's now a ski/snowboard instructor on the mountain. So you could say he's a pretty good skier. So is Nick for that matter. I on the other hand still feel pretty shaky since it had been about, oh I would say probably a good 5-6 years since I'd spent any significant time slipping down a mountainside.

Anyway, I met up with them for après ski and Konrad took us down a pretty steep, pretty moguly slope. So off go he and Nick, gliding down, looking graceful and smooth. Me, I inched down on my über tired legs just hoping that I could survive without suddenly catching an edge and tumbling down. But Konrad took us all the way up to the highest restaurant that was the only one left that would still have sunlight on it so we could have a few drinks before heading back for the night.

Despite the exhaustion, the view was worth it.

But given how tired I already was, you can only imagine how I felt about things after a few glass of prosecco. Somehow it doesn't make it easier to head down the slopes on alcohol weighted legs carrying when the snow has become slushy and then refrozen so it's almost like you're skiing through sand on the super steep slopes. . . .

But I made it. In one piece. Thank god, especially because tomorrow I'm planning to try snowboarding . . . yet more opportunities to fall. I love it.

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