Sunday, February 17, 2008

Lost in Germany: Sunbathing Snowbunnies

Now I admit that I've always held a bit of disdain for the type girl who chooses to perch on a sunchair on top of a ski mountain instead of actually doing something fun and physical like oh, say, skiing on said ski mountain. However after a rather disastrous equipment rental yesterday and a few still sore limbs and such from my snowboarding experiment last weekend I'd like to expound for a moment on the merits of sitting in the sun on a ski mountain.

It is wonderful.

I've spent the last few hours, perched in a sun chair looking out on the mountain, soaking up some rays, reading a book and drinking a cup of hot chocolate while paragliders coast overhead. It is peaceful, it is sunny and I can be grateful that I'm not one of the herd of injured skiiers that happen to be sitting next to me with piles of crutches near by.

This quiet time may be just what I needed after all the madness of the last few weeks.

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