Saturday, August 11, 2007

Life at the Castello

Well, it truly is Andrea's last weekend in Lausanne, it's hard to believe that she heads out to the States next Saturday. But it wouldn't be life with Andrea if we didn't have some spectacular final weekend in Lausanne. And what a weekend it was. . . .

We kicked it off in Geneva for the afternoon wandering around the city. I know it's hard to believe given how often I fly in and out of that city, but I had never actually seen it before . . . and then thanks to her lovely friend Marco (he of the Mexican party, who unfortunately was absent for the weekend) we had a gorgeous house to relax and drink many bottles of rose at right on the lake.

It was a gorgeous weekend, bright blue skies, lots and lots of sun and of course the best company, the best conversation and such good friends. Ilham was almost recovered from her emergency appendectomy, Vanessa was back from the States after her 3-week, cross-country vacation and of course there was Andrea.

We hung out with the girls, walked to Pully and Lutry along the lake shore, drank wine with our newest friends Nikolas and Paulo who just moved to Lausanne from Argentina, and even managed to catch up with an old friend Santi who was back visiting for a few weeks.

Gorgeous and hard to leave, but pretty perfect. I can't wait until Andrea comes back to visit. . . .

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