Monday, March 17, 2008

Violence in Kenya

Eight years ago, after I graduated from college I had my last hurrah as an undergraduate student and traveled to Kenya for three weeks to sit in lectures, stay with families and bring all of the classroom studies I had been doing the previous semester to life. That experience instilled in me a passion for and unending interest in Kenya and its developments as a nation and a people.

This December in the face of a disputed election, Kenya, arguably one of the most stable African nations erupted into rioting between the Luo and the Kikuyu that has still not fully dissipated. Randy Bell, a friend of mine from high school who is now a documentary filmmaker focused primarily on the slums in Nairobi, was on site at the end of December as the riots boiled around him. This is the short film he made about what is happening on the ground in Nairobi.

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