Monday, January 21, 2008

Lost in Scandenavia: Fish Markets and Cathedrals

So Doug and Brianna headed back to the hotel again today and once again I decided to head off on my own to visit the White Cathedral and hopefully the fish market I've read so much about. Unfortunately there were only two fish mongers out there, it being winter an all here, but one of the guys was just fascinating. He'd been fishing and selling next to the docks for over 20 years, and his father and grandfather had done it before him. He was just chatting away with the three of us who had braved the rainy weather, gutting a fish, philosophizing on youth today and how he couldn't imagine doing anything other than fishing and selling at the market and that even with the tough economy he still made a good living to support his family and wife and all that sort of stuff.

It was like something out of a tour guide book, almost felt like it was staged. He was an interesting man though, with a fantastic salt cured face that had seen more than it's fair share of sunny days on the water.

After that I headed over to the Lutheran Cathedral which sits right in the Senate Square. It was really beautiful against the grey skies. Not the best light for picture taking, but really beautiful nonetheless. Not a bad way to end out my trip to Helsinki.

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