Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Lost in Spain: Mirador del Rio, Lanzarote, Canary Islands

It's New Year's Day, I've spent most of it sleeping after the big night out but somehow I managed to drag myself out the door and into my rental car to do some sightseeing as well as get lost around the island.

I can't say I saw that much and I know I'm missing out on some of the big sights like the active volcano park and the El Gulfo, the dormant volcano right by the shore that has filled to the brim with emerald green sea water. I did manage to Mirador del Rio though which was absolutely beautiful and I spent several contented hours driving (slowly) along winding, breathlessly narrow roads up through the valleys and over the peaks of the island.

It's beautiful here.

Vineyards are tucked away in the crevasses of the lava flow so that they are protected from the island sun and the dew that gathers on the leaves in the early morning lasts well into the day. The soil is pitch black in most places but spotted with furrows for growth. I drove past so many little plots of earth today with tiny plants growing in the soil. It's a striking contrast, the black volcanic soil and the pale green of new plant life.

Anyhow, as I said, I managed to get out to see the Mirador del Rio which is supposedly one of the most spectacular views in the Canaries. It was definitely breathtaking, however I don't think you actually need to pay to go in. You get quite amazing views from outside along the road.

On my way back I managed to get myself seriously lost. I think I drove in an enormous circle for a good two hours, but at least it let me see a bit of the island and I saw a gorgeous sunset over the valley.

I suppose I shouldn't have been that surprised that I ended up getting lost. Afterall, George did warn me that road maps really aren't worth much in Lanzarote. I definitely learned that the hard way.

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