Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Lost in Spain: Lanzarote- The Hawaii of Europe

Today I got up early to head to a resort called La Santa, it is the sight of 3 world class waves. On my way out, Tim poked his head off the balcony to see if I knew where I was going (which I didn't of course, he then proceeded to direct me to the telephone box, where I was to turn right down a dirt road until coming to a little white church where I should turn left. Amazingly I actually made it there). He mentioned that Lanzarote is considered the Hawaii of Europe with 15 world class waves located around the island, three of which he said would be great today.

So off I went. And after following his cryptic landmark directions, I arrived. And what a sight it was. The video above is of a wave called El Quemau, basically it looks like Pipeline in Hawaii and it was thumping today.

Just next to it are two other waves called La Izquierda (a long left breaking wave off a rock reef I think) and La Derecha which is a point break. All three spots had lots of surfers on them today while I was there, and there was actually a guy with a massive camera shooting guys surfing El Quemau. I know that I'll never surf anything like that, but wow. It was an incredible sight to see, really. I could have sat there all morning long if I didn't have to get back for my lesson.

You can read all about the different spots on the islands here.

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