Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lost in Austria: Waltzer Lernen

Dress picked out. Check.

Hair cemented into place. Check.

Migraine still firmly pounding behind my eye. Check

Time to learn to waltz.

OK, I know it’s a stretch for most of you to think of me waltzing, in heels no less, given how superbly coordinated I can be walking down the street, but believe it or not I can pull out some of the grace and coordination I learned in the various dance, gymnastics and figure skating lessons I took during childhood. I just need to be under duress to do it.

Today seems to be my day though. After finding myself standing awkwardly and uncomfortably with a migraine in the dance school where Nick learned to do the various formal partner dances I missed out on in childhood (once again, thanks for that Mom and Dad), I ended up with an instructor (no idea what his name was) who managed in an hour to teach me both the left and right waltzes. To some degree of finesse. Although I don’t think I’ll be winning any ballroom competitions in the near future, I should manage to twirl around the dance floor tonight with a bit more grace than I had in Baden Baden last fall.

Here’s hoping. And I’m wearing lower heels tonight.

Otherwise I think I might break an ankle.

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