Friday, January 4, 2008

Surf School Stories: Last day surfing and almost back to reality

The last day has finally ended. I hate to say it, but it was crap conditions for my last day. A massive storm system had created big surges of water on the beach where we have the course so the conditions were such that I couldn't do much more than just play around in the white water and fight the massive currents running along the beach. Actually I think I might have spent more time pulling my board out of the water and walking back up the beach so I could stay in our surf zone than I actually did surfing. What are you gonna do though? I mean it's not like I can control the wind, although that would be kind of fun. But that's ok, somehow I still had a blast falling in the water as my feet got sucked out from under me.

So part of the whole surf course is being given a rating at the end according to the British Surfing Association Standards. They come in three levels (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) and each level gets broken down further. I managed to make Bronze level 3 which means that I can drop down an unbroken wave and then ride the white water. I'd been hoping to make Silver level 1, but the conditions just weren't right for it. Oh well, gives me something to shoot for next time I do surf school, which hopefully won't be too far away. I'm completely hooked on this sport. I'll never be able to do massive tricks or maneuvers, but I think I might be a decent surfer. Good enough to at least get out and play around on a fair amount of waves and have fun.

Tonight is Jenny (our Swedish Amelie)'s 22nd birthday, so George and I have gathered up a bunch of people from the group to take her out to celebrate properly. I think we're having a big dinner first at one of the local spots and then off to, you guessed it, the Surf Bar. Do we ever go anywhere else?

Regardless, a great way to end the trip.

Quick shout out to Nick: Happy Birthday! Sorry I can't be there to celebrate with you, but I promise we'll do something fun when I get back to Frankfurt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't surf on rocks, you may break something - most notably, yourself!!!!

Lovely pics though!